Which Immunity Booster Should We Take?

The immune system is a threshold of our health. The moment it weakens; the entire system suffers. We discussed the role and importance of the immune system in our last blog, "Importance of Immunity in Contemporary World."We have heard about dietary supplements on various platforms, and people consume them regularly. Therefore, the first question that comes to mind is, "What...

What is the essence of antioxidants in our life?

Antioxidant Also known as “free radical scavengers,” antioxidants are molecules that provide us protection against free radicals that can cause cell damage. Our body generates its antioxidants to fight against free radicals, which are called endogenous. There are antioxidants that we get from outside the body, which are known as exogenous. What are free radicals?An imbalance caused by the disproportion...


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